HVGC Standing Rules

Standing Rules are guidelines to standard practices for clarity and continuity of club operations. They may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting with no previous notice.

  1. Convention:  The President or his/her representative may attend the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs Convention and have reasonable and customary funds provided by the Club for registration, and transportation expenses.  The club decides annually the amount to be budgeted.
  2. Expenses:  The Budget provides funding for the Club and committees. Expenses within the Budget are to be submitted with receipts to the Treasurer as soon as possible. Proposed expenses outside the Budget, such as a surcharge or fee for additional members in a household, are to be submitted to the members for prior approval.
  3. Emergency Spending:  The Executive Board may spend up to $100 without the approval of the members.
  4. Minutes:  The Secretary is to submit Meeting Minutes for review by the President. The revised Meeting Minutes are sent by the Secretary to members.
  5. Job Descriptions:  Each Officer and Standing Committee Chairperson is to develop and maintain a job description for their position. This document and file are to be kept on record by the Secretary and provided to new Officers and Chairpersons.
  6. Installation of Officers: The President is to select a person from the membership to provide a ceremony to recognize the outgoing Officers and install the newly elected Officers.
  7. Outgoing Officers:  An allowance of $25 is budgeted for the purchase of a gift for the outgoing president by his/her officers, and up to $20 each for the purchase of gifts for each of the President’s outgoing officers.
  8. Incoming Officers:  A suitable memento item is to be presented to the new officers as part of the installation ceremony. Budget: $60.

Revised:  September 10, 2023