HVGC By-Laws



The name of this organization is HAPPY VALLEY GARDEN CLUB, and is a member of the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.


The object of the Club is to advance the art of gardening, landscape design, floral design, horticulture, and to aid in the conservation of natural resources.


It is the policy of the Club to assist other organizations and individuals interested in the same objectives.


Section 1:

Any person interested in the objectives for which the Club is formed, and willing to pay the annual dues is eligible for membership.

Section 2:

Annual dues are due and payable May 1st – June 30th and are delinquent July 1st.  Dues are $50 per year per household beginning July 1, 2024.

If a new member joins at other months of the year, the member’s dues will be prorated quarterly.


The Executive Board is the Officers and the immediate past President.

Section 1:

The Officers are the President or Presidents, Vice-President or Vice-Presidents, Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Section 2:

The President presides at all regular and Executive Board meetings, and is an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.  The President appoints all committee chairpersons.

Section 3:

The Vice-President(s) presides in the absence of the President and is the Program Chairperson for the Club.

Section 4:

The Secretary keeps a record of all meetings including motions passed and oversees all documents of the Club.

Section 5:

The Treasurer is in charge of all money belonging to the Club and keeps an account of all receipts and disbursements.  All bills of the Club and approved by the Club are to be paid promptly. The Treasurer is to provide a status report of the Club funds at each regular meeting and a quarterly statement to the members.  A record is maintained and there is an annual audit by the Financial Review Committee.


Section 1:

A Nominating Committee is appointed by the President at the January meeting every other year.  Candidates must be a member in good standing (dues are paid).  At least one candidate for each office is to be presented to the members at the March regular meeting.

Section 2:

New officers are elected in April (a quorum must be present), installed in May, and assume duties July 1st.

Section 3:

Officers serve for two years, or until their successors are duly selected and installed.

Section 4:

Members who have been active for at least one year are eligible to hold office.

Section 5:

Only members whose dues are paid in full are eligible to vote.


In the event of a vacancy of an elected officer, other than the President, with the approval of the Executive Board the President will appoint a member to complete the term of office.


Section I.Standing Committees consist of a chairperson plus a committee if needed:

  1. Membership Committee is to attempt to obtain new members, encourage attendance, and welcome members at meetings. The chairperson keeps records of membership, maintains the email list, and distributes lists to members as needed. Provides reports to the President for the Clackamas District.
  2. Budget Committee is to meet with the Executive Board near the beginning of the fiscal year to evaluate the Budget and the current or proposed activities of the Club to provide a new budget for the following year.  Committee Chairpersons will provide input to this evaluation. The Budget is submitted to the members for approval.
  3. Financial Review Committee is to audit the Treasurer’s Report at the end of each fiscal year, which ends June 30th.
  4. Nominating Committee consists of at least three members appointed by the Executive Board in January every other year. At least one candidate for each officer position is to be nominated.
  5. Sunshine Committee sends cards to members at times of illness and loss.
  6. Handbook Committee provides the members with a directory of membership, Bylaws and Standing Rules, and club-planned activities and affiliations annually.
  7. Bylaws Committee reviews and recommends revisions to the Bylaws to the Executive Board for approval then to the membership for a vote.

Section 2:  Special Committees are appointed by the President and perform such duties indicated by the committee title or as requested by the President.


Section 1:

The regular meetings of the Club are held the second Tuesday each month, whether in person or electronically, unless changed by the President or designee.  The meetings are held at the Happy Valley Baptist Church or other announced location.

Section 2:

A required or called meeting of the Executive Board or a regular meeting may be conducted in person or electronically to allow members to fully take part in deliberations and vote.  A review and reporting of electronic votes shall be done and reported by the Executive Board.

Section 3:

A quorum for a regular meeting is one-third of the current membership.  In event of the lack of a quorum, the motion may be tabled, or the secretary may ask by e-mail, phone, or text to all members not in attendance to vote.  A review and reporting of these votes is done and reported by the Executive Board.

Section 4:

A special meeting may be called by the President with the consent of the Executive Board.


The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order governs the Club when they are consistent with these Bylaws and those of the Oregon Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.


The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of current membership at any regular meeting, provided the proposed amendment(s) have been sanctioned by the Executive Board and provided to the members the previous month at the meeting or electronically. 

In the event that two-thirds of membership is not in attendance, the secretary may ask by e-mail, phone, or text all members not in attendance to vote.  A review and reporting of these votes is done and reported by the Executive Board.

Revised:  November 2, 2023