Minutes – October 8, 2024

 Happy Valley Garden Club

Business Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2024

9-9:40              Social Time – Meet, Greet & Eat.

                        Hosts/Hostesses – Thank you to Julie Lund, Karen and Mike Burmester and Sandy Ahlquist

ATTENDEES: Rena Ackley, Pat Allen, Sandy Ahlquist, Diane Bryant, Karen Burmester, Mike Burmester, Jennifer Buss, Barb Decious, Mary Lou Epperson, Shelley Fenton, Jan Ferguson-Bresee, Sue Gilbert, Yvonne Kochanowski, John Kochanowski, Julie Lund, Pat Marshall, Leona McDonald, Roberta Mehta, Carol Mohr, Sandy Platz, Janet Rasher, Mike Rasher, Priscilla Robinson, Donna Simonson, Claudia Taylor, Patti Taylor, Leta Wyler, Wendy Young

Program: Harry Landers, Curator Emeritus of Portland’s Washington Park International Rose Test Garden, talked about the history of the gardens, his tenure at the gardens, and discussed roses in general. He answered questions about rose selection, pruning, composting, and fertilizing. He also agreed to open his garden to the club next June 11, 2025.

9:45-9:50        Welcome New Guests and New Members: Marchelle Paholsky, candidate for Happy Valley City Council, visited.  Diane Bryant attended today’s meeting after a long sabbatical, it was good to see her at the meeting.

10:00               Inspiration, provided by Mike Burmester:

“Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this their only chance to soar.”

-Delia Owens, author

10:05 – 10:15 Horticulture, Floral Arrangements, Garden Talk, Plant Specimens:

Claudia Taylor brought “Living Stones” indoor succulent starts to share. She said that they are easy to

care for indoors, and only need watering in Spring and Fall.

10:20               Business Meeting

Business Meeting Minutes

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Sheila Greer, Treasurer: In Sheila’s absence, Jennifer Buss reported that we have $3182.20 on hand as of September 25, 2024. A copy of Sheila’s quarterly budget report is attached.
  • Approval of Minutes: With no corrections, the Minutes of the September, 2024 meetingstand approved as distributed.
  • Committee Reports / Project Updates:
  1. Membership updates: Wendy Young had no new information to report.
  • Programs/coffee chat updates: Sandy Platz reported that that next month’s speaker will be Brad O’Neil of Clackamas Sheriff’s Department, who will talk about safety and opportunities to help fellow citizens and neighbors.

                        A decision about changing to 10 a.m. coffee chats has not been made.

  • Garden Club Updates and Info to share:  Jennifer Buss
  1. Jennifer reported that Katherene Kerner has been ill, and had been hospitalized, but is better and now at home. Priscilla said that Katherene has been active in the Veterans’ Day Memorial decorations. Priscilla will connect with the other volunteers to coordinate activities. Jennifer also thanked Leona McDonald for hosting last month’s coffee chat in her garden. Jennifer asked members to report if they were not receiving emails. Leta Wyler indicated that, despite her adding our email addresses to her contact list, emails are being sent to her iPad Trash file.
  • The Christmas party is December 10 (our regular meeting date), at the Mediterranean Grill in the Happy Valley “New Seasons” area, next to Peet’s Coffee. Priscilla has volunteered to organize the event, and asked for volunteers to help. Cost is $30. A sign-up sheet has been started. Send checks to Sheila at HVGC, PO Box 1204, Clackamas OR 97015.
  • Website update: Yvonne Kochanowski reported that the next Website committee meeting will be October 10. The website will be presented for discussion.  The plan is to do a “soft” roll-out to the membership at one of the next club meetings.
  • Wendy Young brought a birdhouse that was intended to be decorated for the District Meeting. It was suggested that it be used for next year’s Seaside meeting or for a raffle at the Christmas Lunch on Dec. 10.
  • Reminders:

October birthdays – Claudia Taylor 2nd, Jennifer Buss 13th, Margie McDonald 15th, Sandy Ahlquist 28th

Coffee chat – The October 22 coffee chat will be at Le Petit Café on SE 172nd, near Stickman’s Restaurant.

November’s hosts providing food are Jan Ferguson-Bresee, Helen Nolan and Sheila Greer.

  • Raffle – Pat Marshall brought a large Autumn swag. It was won by Diane Bryant, who will bring next month’s raffle item.
  • Adjournment: The business meeting was adjourned at 11:10 so that the craft project could begin.
  • 11-noon – Craft:  Sandy Platz and Shelley Fenton organized a pumpkin-decorating project. Sandy asked that club members photograph their completed pumpkins to share.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lou Epperson