Minutes – March 12, 2024

Happy Valley Garden Club 
Business Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2024

9-9:40 Social Time – Meet, Greet & Eat. Thanks to hostesses Janet Rasher, Katherene Kerner, and Elizabeth Cathey.

9:45-10:00 am – Welcome & Conservation Pledge -Sandy Platz

10 – 10:45 am – Program: Al’s Garden & Home “Starting Plants from Seedlings” – Judy Alleruzzo

Judy has worked for Al’s Garden as the Perennial and Houseplant Buyer for many years. She referenced Al’s “Garden Time” podcasts and YouTube posts for a variety of information on all aspects of gardening.

Judy says that now is the time to start planting tomatoes indoors. Refer to seed packets and suppliers’ websites for valuable information on germinating, planting, thinning and transplanting seeds. Seedling soil mixes should be used to provide a proper environment for the plants. Lots of products are available to help gardeners start and maintain plants, from seed injection gizmos, heated germination stations, “Wall of Water” products, cages, trellises, and lamps. However, there are DIY solutions, such as making seed tape from toilet tissue and a solution of Elmer’s Glue and water.

Transplant to larger containers before taking seedlings outdoors, after the second set of leaves have appeared. Be sure to “harden off” plants by putting them outdoors during the day and taking them in at night to acclimate them before putting them in the ground. Soil temperature is an important ingredient in successful transplanting.

In addition to seedling starts, Judy provided some general information:

Supply chains have changed radically since the recession and pandemic, so if you see something you like at a nursery, buy it because it may not be available later. Buy when it’s raining, so that you can plant when the weather is good.

Water slowly – take a cup of coffee or glass of wine with you and make it a leisurely, enjoyable process! Water ahead of heat waves.

Attendees: Pat Allen, Sandy Ahlquist, Karen Burmester, Mike Burmester, Elizabeth Cathey, Barb Decious, Donna Endicott, Mary Lou Epperson, Shelley Fenton, Jan Ferguson-Bresee, Sue Gilbert, Sheila Greer, Katherene Kerner, Yvonne Kochanowski, John Kochanowski, Julie Lund, Pat Marshall, Leona McDonald, Roberta Mehta, Carol Mohr, Helen Nolen, Sandy Platz, Janet Rasher, Mike Rasher, Priscilla Robinson, Claudia Taylor, Patti Taylor, Marilyn Thomas, Wendy Young

Guest: Leona introduced Rena Ackley, an enthusiastic and experienced gardener, who will be joining the club.

Business Meeting

The Business Meeting was chaired by VP Sandy Platz due to Jennifer Buss’ illness.

1. Inspiration - Provided by Mike Burmester

“Nature” is what we see-
The Hill-the Afternoon-
Squirrel-Eclipse-the Bumble bee…

--Emily Dickenson

To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.

--Mary Oliver

Wherever you are, stop what you’re doing.
The world lies before you, a lavish garden. However hobbled by waste, however fouled by graft and tainted by deception, it will always take your breath away.

We were never cast out of Eden. We merely turned from it and shut our eyes. To return and be welcomed, cleansed and redeemed, we are only obliged to look.

--Margaret Renkl

2. Approval of the minutes – November 14th meeting. Pat Allen moved that the minutes be approved, Patti Taylor seconded the motion, and motion was carried by aye/nay vote.

3. Treasurer’s Report – Sheila Greer: As of February 26, we have $2833.07 cash on hand. A reminder email will be sent regarding dues, which have a deadline of May 30 to be in compliance with District rules. Dues are still $50 per household, but because we are required to pay $5 per member to the District, Sheila suggested that we ask couples to pay $55. Yvonne Kochanowski moved that we ask couples to pay $55 in dues, Karen Burmester seconded the motion, and the motion was carried by aye/nay vote.

Sheila asked that members bring checks for dues to the April meeting, or mail checks to:
HVGC, P.O. Box 1204, Clackamas OR 97015

A $100 donation has been budgeted and was made to the Blue and Gold Star Memorial fund to help purchase markers (see further information under New Business). Additionally, Mike Rasher has donated another $200 for this fund.

Sheila is collecting attendance fees (non-refundable) for the District Luncheon and Meeting. So far, she has received fees from Wendy Young, Leona MacDonald, Donna Endicott, and Sue Gilbert.

4. Committee Reports / Project Updates:
a. Membership Coordinator – Wendy Young asked if any members were missing a membership book; Jan Ferguson-Bresee needs a book.

b. Programs updates – VP’s Sandy Platz and Shelley Fenton distributed new Year-at-a-Glance pages for our books. A list for meeting hostess volunteers was also distributed so that all the meetings can be covered for refreshments.

c. Scholarship Program updates – Mike Rasher – no new details from Mike at this time.

d. Sara Hites Rose Garden – Priscilla Robinson invited members to participate in pruning and/or dead-heading activities. Harvey Landers, who curated the Portland Rose Garden project, is heading up the Sara Hites Rose Garden, so this is an excellent opportunity to learn about roses from a master. A sign-up sheet was distributed, and so far, Sue Gilbert, Karen Burmester, Barb Decious, Jan Ferguson-Bresee, Yvonne and John Kochanowski, Leona McDonald, Rena Ackley, Patti Taylor, and Pat Marshall have volunteered.

e. Books to local Libraries – Priscilla Robinson reported that, while it has been difficult to get into the schools to distribute books, the project is on-going.

5. Garden Club/ Member Updates: Open Mic

Sheila Greer shared contact information about Concentrates, Inc. Be sure to mention HVGC, as a 10% discount is offered to members. Address is 5505 SE International Way, Milwaukie 97222, telephone 503-234-7501 website www.concentratesnw.com email info@concentratesnw.com

Karen Burmester offered crushed eggshells to anyone who wishes to add them to their compost pile.

Diane Bryant is recovering from surgery. Leta Wyler’s daughter has passed away. The club has sent cards to both Diane and Leta.

Sandy Platz reported that last month’s coffee chat, held at Panera’s, was well-attended. Many of the members talked about their interests outside of gardening, and Sandy invited members to let her know if they would like to share their art, quilting, jewelry and other projects, so that they can be included in future meetings.

Carol Mohr volunteered that she has a contact who does professional stitchery if members want to pursue using stitchery in club logo clothing or other items.

6. Reminders:
a. March Birthdays - 4th - Mike Burmester; 8th - Elizabeth Cathey; 11th – Barb Decious; 13th - Sandy Platz; 15th - Helen Nolen; 30th - Janet Rasher

b. Coffee Chat – March 26th @ 9:00 am Elka Bee’s

c. Clackamas District Luncheon & Meeting April 4

d. Elsie Skinner Progressive Design Guild meeting March 25.

7. Old Business
a. Clackamas Service District Donations update: Because Jennifer had so much difficulty finding someone available and authorized to accept checks to the Service District, we will no longer be giving monetary donations from individual club members.

b. Clackamas District Luncheon & Meeting April 4th: So far, Donna Endicott, Sue Gilbert, Leona McDonald and Wendy Young have signed up; Jennifer Buss and Sheila Greer are tentatively signed up. A volunteer is needed to provide a floral centerpiece for the table. Costs will be reimbursed.

8. New Business:

a. Blue and Gold Star decorations: Katherene Kerner volunteered to chair a special committee to coordinate the decoration of markers for specific holidays. Veterans’ Day, Memorial Day and possibly July 4th were suggested as times to decorate the markers. Yvonne Kochanowski, Sandy Platz, Priscilla Robinson, and Jan Ferguson-Bresee volunteered to be committee members.

9. Horticulture & Arrangements – Everyone can participate and bring items from your Winter gardens - hits and misses, discovery of a new plant, a flower arrangement, whatever suits your taste and time.

Wendy Young brought plant starts and orchid food to share.

Pat Allen announced that the next Elsie Skinner Progressive Design Guild meeting will be March 25, with the theme being “Illuminary,” incorporating a variety of lighting approaches to floral arrangements. Location is Savage Memorial Presbyterian Church, 1740 SE 139th Avenue.

10. Raffle – Sheila Greer brought a one-gallon Siletz tomato started from seed and a gift card. Janet Rasher won the raffle and will bring a raffle item to next meeting.

11. Adjournment – meeting was adjourned at 11:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lou Epperson, Secretary