Category: What’s Growing?
Save the Dates!
More info to come on these events – stay tuned!
- Gardens of Enchantment Workday – April 5th 10-2 pm
- Annual Hill Foundation Tea Party – May 31st 1-4 pm held at the Gardens of Enchantment
District Meeting and Luncheon
Calling all Club Presidents, Members and Friends!
- APRIL 3, 2025 Please come along for our district meeting and luncheon.
- ELKS LODGE 13121 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Milwaukie, OR 97222
- Doors open 9:15am, Meeting begins 10am, Lunch served 12 noon, finished 1pm.
- PROGRAM: Our special guest speaker is CHAD HARRIS, owner of Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm in Washougal, WA (open gardens early May through early July). Growing and hybridizing Japanese Iris and others for over 40 years. Keep in mind for a FAB field trip!
- MENU: Large salad bar, chicken bites, rolls & butter, sourdough bread, hot coffee, hot tea, carrot cake, white cake and “Death by chocolate” gluten free cake! PRICE: $20.00.
- We need attendees names and any gluten free or vegetarian requests.
- Please send one check per club to “Clackamas District Garden Clubs” address to: Treasurer Lynne Hatfield 35692 SE Snuffin Rd, Estacada, OR. 97023. Deadline is March 28 at 6pm.
- WHAT TO BRING: If you are a club please bring your potted plants for our sale table. NO other items will be accepted. Plants should be any size, priced $5 to 10.00. Preferred plants are Northwest Natives, Northwest pollinator plants.
- Each club is to donate a raffle gift up to $25.00 with your club name.
- Each club bring a centerpiece with SPRING THEME IRIS, COLOR purple and or yellow to take home.
- Each club bring your display board representing your club. Boards will be collected for the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs OSFGC Seaside Convention June 10-12.
- Email your plant sale date and info to Susangpiper@gmail.com
- District newsletter will be emailed very soon. Thank you Lynne, Sue and contributors.
- I’ve enjoyed my time as District Director and look forward to advising our new officers! Let’s make this another good meeting! Bring friends & fam. Muriel Pagel 503-341-2725
March 11 Meeting Notice!
** Please note that our new start time is 9:30 **
Good Morning, Gardeners!!
Spring is right around the corner! Flowers are starting to pop up, leaves & buds are showing up, everything is waking up!
REMINDER: Our monthly meeting is happening next week on Tuesday morning, March 11th at the HV Baptist Church.
Our Guest Speaker will be ~ Leslie Gover, Happy Valley City Arborist, speaking about tree diseases, care, effects from climate change, etc.
If you plan to attend the April 3rd Clackamas District Luncheon, please bring a check. Details will be provided at our meeting.
Hosts – Elizabeth Cathey / Katherene Kerner / Helen Nolen – (Donna Endicott will open the church at 8:30 AM)
** Please note that our new start time is 9:30 **
- 9:30 to 10:00 AM – Social Time – Meet, Greet & Eat
- 10:00 to 11:00 AM – Leslie Gover, HV City Arborist
March News from Clackamas County Master Gardeners and 10-Minute University!
Upcoming webinars on many great plant-focused, insects, soil, and more gardening topics! Register to receive a link to the presentation if you can’t attend live. Check out the schedule!
Upcoming Community Garden Event!
February 21, 2025
We need your help! The City is teaming up with Friends of Trees for a special volunteer project on Saturday, March 8. Volunteers are needed to help plant hundreds of pollinator-friendly native plants as we transform a section of Village Green Park into a buzzing pollinator garden.
By lending a hand, you’ll be supporting our local ecosystem and giving nature’s tiny pollinators a new home. Plus, you’ll be making our community greener and more vibrant. This event is great for individuals, groups, and families, and all supplies will be provided.
Ready to get your hands dirty and make a difference? Head to the Friends of Trees Event Calendar to sign up for this event today.
Coffee Chat is on for Feb 25!
(and other tidbits)
Hello Garden Club Friends!
A Coffee Chat was not previously scheduled this month, since the weather was unpredictable. Since it looks like Spring is right around the corner, with some rain, there’s NO snow! So, let’s get out and meet for coffee next week!!
Please join us next week, Tuesday, February 25th at 9:00 AM at Panera Bread outside the Clackamas Town Center (near REI, close to Macy’s ). The parking lot is pretty empty at that time of the morning and access is easy to Panera Bread since you do not have to enter the mall.
You can grab a cup of coffee/tea, bagel or a sweet, oatmeal, a breakfast sandwich…….or, just come and chat.
Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on March 11th at the church. Our guest speaker, Leslie Gover, HV City Arborist will speak about tree disease, care, etc.
Hostesses for March are:
Elizabeth Cathey, Katherene Kerner & Helen Nolen
If you need a ride, reach out to a member or let us know.
Mark your calendars!
Sandy Platz & Shelley Fenton, HVGC, Program VP’s
Sparrowhawk’s Spring Sale
Get ready to add more native plants to your landscape in honor of Native Plant Appreciation Month in Oregon and support plant-minded groups in our area!
Check out Sparrowhawk‘s great selection and prepare your list for March 2 when ordering opens!
Native Plant Appreciation Month
April 2025
Celebrate with some new native plant additions to your garden, and urge your friends to do the same!
Welcome to 2025 from Jennifer
January 8, 2025
Dearest HVGC Members:
I hope this note finds you all well and enjoying this winter sunshine we’ve had these past few days, I know it has boosted my spirits. I think that is also what I love about a winter ski vacation is the sunshine it tends to bring to the cold mountains if you happen to hit it right. Christmas decor continues to be taken down and organized (an ongoing chore) and put away, clutter cleared and/or organized and new goals written down and the pursuit of making them happen. I always look forward to welcoming a brand new year. 2024 had some work and health challenges but I’m grateful that most of that is behind me. Thank you for your cards and encouraging words, I appreciated each message.
The winter garden is so rewarding. As I strolled around my own garden today, I was reminded of some plantings we added last spring that are now getting ready to bloom to brighten a dreary garden, it was very exciting. We specifically added a couple specimen plantings to add interest and be visible from various windows when looking out. We invested in a yellow-needled Lodgepole Pine variety or Pinus Contorta named “Chief Joseph”.
The witch hazel we planted this past spring brings forth buds and I can’t wait for it to go into full bloom. The Helleborus are budding and starting to bloom out, lots of white of course, deep pinks, a couple apricot, and one deep purple almost black hellebore “Black Diamond” all sprinkled through the garden. I cannot wait until February to maybe purchase a couple more from Petal Heads in West Linn.
I even had a few very early bulbs barely popping through the soil and now I can’t remember what I planted but it will be fun to see what pops out, crocus perhaps? Or snowbells? And one of my favorites was the Porcelain or Beauty Berry shrubs that produced a bluish-purple berry this fall and early winter. I used branches of it in flower arrangements, and just the branches themselves in vases.
I also wanted to reach out to everyone and remind you that we are not planning a January meeting on the second Tuesday this month at the church.
It was so nice to see everyone at the Christmas party. Priscilla and her team did such a great job with the decorating, gifts and games and the food was delicious. What a nice time we had.
Did you know that we have a website now? www.happyvalleygardenclub.org – It hasn’t been officially rolled out but you are welcome to peruse what has been done including the tab “Scrapbooks”, I think you’ll enjoy it.
Wishing you all a happy new year and looking forward to seeing you all soon.