Minutes – September 10, 2024

Happy Valley Garden Club

Business Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2024

9-9:40              Social Time – Meet, Greet & Eat.

                        Hostesses – Mary Lou Epperson, Wendy Young and Barb Decious

ATTENDEES:  Sandy Ahlquist, Karen Burmester, Mike Burmester, Jennifer Buss, Elizabeth Cathey, Diana Colvin, Barb Decious, Donna Endicott, Mary Lou Epperson, Sue Gilbert, Sheila Greer, Katherene Kerner, Pat Marshall, Leona McDonald, Sandy Platz, Janet Rasher, Claudia Taylor, Patti Taylor, Wendy Young

9:45-9:50        Welcome New Guests and New Members: No guests or new members were in attendance.

9:50-10:00      Implementation of Conservation Pledge:

Jennifer Buss brought data from the “Save the Water” organization (www.savethewater.org) regarding

Americans’ water use. Members discussed ways the club can reduce paper and plastic waste and water


10:00               Inspiration, provided by Mike Burmester:

                        “Speak only if it improves upon the silence” – Mahatma Gandhi

10:05 – 10:15 Horticulture, Floral Arrangements, Garden Talk, Plant Specimens

Elizabeth Cathey brought in a large Creeping Jenny plant and explained its care and usage. It’s very hardy and easy to grow and is particularly effective as a container plant to “spill” and frame other plants such as begonias. Wendy Young brought Marigolds that she grew from seeds provided by our speaker from Al’s Garden Center several months ago. Barb Decious brought tomatoes, cucumbers and basil to share. Donna Endicott brought an Anemone plant, currently in bloom, Sweet Potato blossoms, and California Bay Laurel. Sheila Greer brought organic Italian plums and tomatoes.

10:20               Business Meeting

Business Meeting Minutes

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Sheila Greer, Treasurer:

The balance as of August 23, 2024, is $3,154.79.  That is after our State paid dues and $700 paid in donations to Leach Pollinator Club, Blue/Gold Star Memorial (State), and Oregon State University-Oregon Garden Research Fund.

Attached is the poster that is placed in the Pollinator Garden at Leach Botanical Garden. We donated so we are named.

  • Approval of Minutes: With no corrections, the Minutes of the August 13, 2024 meetingstand approved as distributed.
  • Committee Reports / Project Updates:
  1. Membership updates:  Wendy Young reported that membership remains at 41. She will email roster updates when contact details change.
  • Programs/coffee chat updates: 

Sandy Platz confirmed that Harry Landers, Curator Emeritus of the Portland International Rose Garden, will be our speaker at the October 8 meeting. A pumpkin leaf craft project is also scheduled for the meeting.

Leona MacDonald will host the September 24th coffee chat, which will start at 10 a.m.

The October 22 coffee chat will be at Le Petit Café on SE 172nd, near Stickman’s Restaurant.

A sign-up sheet for hostess duties was distributed.

                        Coffee Chat starts have been proposed for 10 a.m.

  • Garden Club Updates and Info to share:  Jennifer Buss
  1. Clackamas Board Meeting updates:

Fall District Luncheon will be October 3 at the Elks Lodge in Milwaukie. Lasagna will be served. The speaker will be Lori Hennings, Metro natural resource scientist, who will speak about connecting urban green spaces. Our club will be responsible for the Sales Table, a themed Fall centerpiece for one table, a $25 gift card or gift. Volunteers are needed for this activity. The invitation is attached.

Cost is $20, due by September 20. Please forward payment to Sheila Greer. So far, Julie Lund, Jennifer Buss, Wendy Young, Sue Gilbert, Katherene Kerner, Pat Marshall, and Leona McDonald have signed up and paid.

OSFGC State Convention will be June 2025 in Seaside.

Volunteers are needed to assist the District board of directors. The District is struggling due to a lack of volunteerism. More information regarding specific needs will be forthcoming.

  • The Christmas party is December 10 (our regular meeting date), at the Mediterranean Grill in the Happy Valley “New Seasons” area, next to Peet’s Coffee. Volunteers are needed to coordinate the event.
  • Reminders:

September birthdays – 13th Pat Allen

Coffee chat – Leona’s garden, September 24, 10 a.m.

Kelso Garden Club Guest Day – Friday October 18. Club members interested in attending so far include Sue Gilbert, Leona MacDonald, Sandy Platz, Katherene Kerner, and Jennifer Buss. The event flyer is attached.

  • Raffle – Diana Colvin brought today’s raffle, a garden book from a local author. Pat Marshall won the raffle, and she will bring next month’s raffle item.
  • 11-11:45 am – Craft:  Sandy Platz brought craft project materials, and we used pressed flowers to make bookmarks and/or wind chimes.
  • Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lou Epperson