Minutes – June 11, 2024

Happy Valley Garden Club 
Business Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2024

9-9:40 Social Time – Meet, Greet & Eat.
Thank you to Hostesses – Patti Taylor / Yvonne Kochanowski / Julie Lund

ATTENDEES: Pat Allen, Sandy Ahlquist, Karen Burmester, Mike Burmester, Jennifer Buss, Elizabeth Cathey, Diana Colvin, Barb Decious, Donna Endicott, Mary Lou Epperson, Shelley Fenton, Jan Ferguson-Bresee, Sue Gilbert, Sheila Greer, Yvonne Kochanowski, John Kochanowski, Julie Lund, Pat Marshall, Leona McDonald, Roberta Mehta, Carol Mohr, Helen Nolen, Sandy Platz, Janet Rasher, Mike Rasher, Priscilla Robinson, Donna Simonson, Claudia Taylor, Patti Taylor, Leta Wyler, Wendy Young

Guests: Mary Horton, who has become a member, and Hazel Sears, guest of Julie Lund.

9:45-10:00 Inspiration – Mike Burmester; Welcome & Conservation Pledge – Jennifer Buss


The actress Jenifer Lewis, once remarked: “I’m 61. I got about 30 more summers left.” Since hearing those words, I’ve thought of my own life in that way, in terms of how many summers I might have left. How many more times will I see the leaves sprout and the flowers bloom? How many more times will I spend a day by the pool or enjoy an ice cream on a hot day?

I don’t consider these questions because I’m worried, but because I want to remind myself to relish. Relish every summer day. Stretch them. Fill them with memories. Smile and laugh more. Gather with friends and visit family. Put my feet in the water. Grow things and grill things. I make my summers count by making them beautiful.

I have no intention of raging against my aging. I intend to embrace it, to embrace the muscle aches and the crow’s feet as the price of growing in wisdom and grace; to understand that age is not my body forsaking me but my life rewarding me.

Aging, as I see it, is a gift, and I will receive it with gratitude.
----Charles M. Blow, NYT

10-10:45 am – Program: Leslie Gover, City of Happy Valley Arborist had to cancel today’s program due to a personal issue, therefore, Jennifer Buss suggested members discuss:

“Garden Hits and Misses.”

Donna Endicott, referring to our Conservation Pledge, reported that she has learned through the University of Washington that the level of environmental phosphates has increased dramatically due to the use of residential inorganic fertilizers that are rated at approximately 16-16-16 . She has decided to use only organic fertilizers registering 5-4-4.

Patti Taylor tried the “DIY toilet paper seed strip,” suggested by our March speaker, Judy Allerruzzo from Al’s Garden supply, but she did not experience success. She has resumed her regular seeding routine of pouring seeds from the envelope. Jan Ferguson-Bresee tried the TP strategy, and it worked. Jan attributed her success to the quick onset of rain.

Priscilla Robinson talked about her involvement in the “Grow and Extra Row” project at Clackamas Community College’s community garden area in Oregon City. Participants are growing a variety of veggies and herbs, and so far have contributed 600 pounds of produce to food pantries. Priscilla invited members to join the effort, Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9 a.m. to noon.

Jennifer Buss asked for any ideas about getting rid of moles. Suggestions included solar noisemakers as well as the more traditional but dramatic strategies of pitchfork stabbings and shovel whacks.

Sandy Platz noted that, in anticipation of today’s speaker, many members asked questions that were more related to local ordinances. Leslie wrote a summary of those questions along with and answers supplied by Laura Terway, Happy Valley Planning Manager. Leslie’s responses to member questions are attached.

10:50 – Noon – Business Meeting

Business Meeting Minutes

1. Treasurer’s Report / Budget Review and Vote – Sheila Greer, Treasurer announced that as of May 23, cash on hand totaled $4,022.88, which includes the most recent influx of yearly dues. Sheila passed around copies of the annual budget that she emailed recently so that line items could be discussed.

It was noted that “Pennies for Pines” is not a budget line item since it is generated by separate donations taken at the meeting. (Sue Gilbert briefly explained how the money is used to foster reforestation as she circulated the donation can.)

Sheila explained that the intention of the budget process is to designate a “minimum balance,” made up of dues and members’ donations of sales items. The families of CB Ross and Gloria Cockburn have made generous donations in their memory, and the Budget Committee, comprised of Jennifer Buss, Sheila Greer, Priscilla Robinson, Wendy Young and Katherene Kerner, would like to use those donations for outreach and/or scholarships, in CB and Gloria’s names. The scholarships will be determined later and discussed with the membership.

Several line items have been increased, including rental of the church space for meetings, gift cards to speakers and speaker’s charges.

The committee issued a request for a screen and possibly a projection device, so that this equipment would not need to be purchased. Any member with a screen who would be willing to donate or lend it would be appreciated.

Priscilla Robinson suggested a donation could be made to the Garden Ecology Lab, an OSU educational research site that is funded in part by the Clackamas County Master Gardeners Association. This is a site that allows graduate students to conduct studies regarding sustainable residential and landscape gardening, and make the research findings available through their site. A $500 donation, perhaps in CB and Gloria’s name and funded by their families’ donations, would make us the first Garden Club to become members of the Garden Ecology League.

Wendy Young volunteered to write to the other Garden Clubs in the area to challenge them to make similar donations.

Information about the program can be found here (Thanks to Yvonne Kochanowski for the link): https://gardenecology.oregonstate.edu/gardenecology/gardeners

Mike Burmester also discussed the possibility of donating to the Leach Botanical Pollinator Club. A $100 donation helps fund the pollinator garden and gets the club’s name on the garden’s poster through April of 2025. Here’s Mike’s link to the site: https://www.leachgarden.org/support/pollinator-club-2024

Sheila Greer stressed the importance of continuing to support the Blue Star/Gold Star Memorial project. Information about Oregon Garden Clubs’ participation in the project can be found at: https://oregongardenclubs.org/bluestar-program/

Diane Colvin moved that a vote be taken to approve of the budget as distributed by Sheila, motion was seconded by Pat Allen and passed by yay/nay vote.

2. Approval of Minutes – April 9th meeting. (no official minutes were taken in May): Jennifer Buss asked for any changes or correction to the minutes, and there being no corrections, declared the minutes approved as distributed.

3. Amendment to Article IV (Membership) Review & Vote – Jennifer Buss
Jennifer read the wording changed to Article IV/Membership describing dues as $50 per year along with $5 dues for each additional member in a household. Motion to approve the new wording was brought by Yvonne Kochanowski, seconded by Sandy Platz, and approved with a unanimous vote.

4. Committee Reports / Project Updates:
a. Membership Coordinator – Wendy Young announced that the membership stands at 41. She recently emailed a new roster, and an even newer roster is forthcoming because of the inclusion of new members.

b. Programs updates – VP’s Sandy Platz and Shelley Fenton discussed the upcoming coffee chat and lunch to be held at Cornell Farms on June 26. Contact Sandy regarding carpool or rides needed. September’s meeting will include a craft project to make bookmarks, so Sandy and Shelley asked that members start pressing small flowers that could be used.

Priscilla Robinson inquired about the Happy Valley Park Thursday Concerts, where we have conducted a rock painting adventure for the children in past years. Volunteers are needed and a specific date needs to be determined. August 1 was suggested.

c. Sara Hites Rose Garden – Priscilla Robinson reported that Harry Landers does request help, but no date for a work party has been set.

d. Review of the Blue/Gold Star Decorations for Memorial Day – Sandy Platz described the Memorial Day effort, and Yvonne and Priscilla talked about plans to decorate the memorials for Veterans Day and possibly some other holidays. Methods of retaining the non-floral decorations for re-use were discussed.

e. HVGC Logo Update – Carol Mohr showed the items available for machine embroidery of the HVGC logo along with the prices. She will email another notice with deadlines for ordering. Members may also bring their own items to be decorated with the logo.

f. Member Updates: Open Mic:

Sue Gilbert said that Diane Bryant is recovering from her back operation, and Diane reports that progress is slow but steady.

Donna Simonson indicated that there will be a memorial for Pat DeLucia’s husband, but that she is unsure of the date and location at this time.

5. Garden Club Updates and Info to share: Jennifer Buss

a. Membership dues were due at the end of May. If you haven’t already sent in your dues, you must do so no later than June 30th to continue your membership. If they are not received by the end of June 30th, they will be considered delinquent per HVGC bylaws and subject to cancellation of your membership for the following year. Please get them in. Jennifer has contacted members whose dues are not yet paid.

b. Discussion about Garden Club booklets and going digital (website):
Gabriella Lu had been attending to the booklet production but has left the club. Jennifer reported that the printing of these books is both expensive and very time intensive. Discussion included the possibility of setting up a website with member login to provide demographic information and schedules and developing a more streamlined method of providing information to those members who do not have easy access to internet tools. A committee was formed, consisting of volunteers Yvonne Kochanowski, John Kochanowski, Wendy Young, Mary Lou Epperson and Jennifer Buss, to determine the scope of such a website and resources needed to establish and maintain it.

c. May’s Field Trip Review @ Adelmann’s Peonies Gardens & Schreiner’s Iris Farm:
Jennifer brought catalogs of the places we visited.

d. July’s meeting will be a Field Trip to Leach Botanical Gardens led by Jan Rasher. Additional details will be emailed by Sandy Platz.

6. Reminders:
a. June Birthdays – 3rd Mike Rasher; 19th Carolyn Cella; 22nd Julie Lund; 30th Donna Endicott

b. Coffee Chat – Field Trip to Cornell Farm Nursery June 25th – (Lunch at the Café)

c. Reminder of all the upcoming plant sales, shows, garden tours and fairs – refer to the April minutes for details.

7. Horticulture & Arrangements - Everyone can participate and bring from your Summer Gardens, Summer blooms, discovery of a new plant, a flower arrangement, a new garden book recommendation, nurseries you’ve been to lately, whatever suits your taste and time.

A silent auction of Pat Allen’s horticulture-related items from her estate sale was conducted.

Donna Endicott brought Sweet Potato starts to share, and Claudia Taylor brought in Solomon Seal and Prickly Pear starts.

Donna Endicott also brought botanical plates representing each month of the year that were distributed by raffle.

8. Raffle – Donna Endicott won Carol Mohr’s gift of chocolate! Donna will bring the next raffle item at our next non-field trip meeting.

9. Adjournment: meeting was adjourned at noon.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lou Epperson